We are beings made up of mind, body and spirit, each working together with the others to sustain our overall health. Mental health is the part of us which affects how we think, feel and act, and also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Investing in our mental well-being is significant to the life of the whole person, and is imperative to our being able to truly love ourselves so that we can therefore love others around us well.

Here are resources for your healing and recovery journey. We hope this is a help to you!


The last several years have taken a toll on our spiritual, emotional and mental health. Last year we created this series called New + Free, to help us recover together.

Here’s some of the questions that were answered through this series:

How do you forgive people, after all we’ve seen?
Is there a way to heal from church hurt, and community pain?
Why do we fight so much? What can we do about it?
How do we break cycles of dysfunction?
How do we set better boundaries, and face codependency?
Is there is a better way to identify safe people, and become trustworthy ourselves?
What do we do with our anxiety and anger?
Can we hear from a mental health professional about these issues? (YES YOU CAN!)

Together, let’s overcome, continue to grow, change and become more like Christ!


Find recommended counseling centers, therapists, and support groups across the Los Angeles County. Along with other organizations and resources for financial, housing and food assistance.


Brittney Moses, a mental health specialist, research assistant at UCLA, and recovery support group leader with NAMI, put together an incredible list. She starts with how to find a counselor (and the different types of counseling available), crisis resources, Christian resources, addiction, partner abuse/domestic abuse, sexual abuse, PTSD, as well as cultural-based resources, and so much more. We 100% can't do better than this list, and would love for you to check it out. Watch this video of an interview with Britney Moses from our New & Free Series to learn directly from her!

New & Free Part 6 | Faith and Mental Health | Brittney Moses | Expression58

5 Ways to Find a Therapist Today

Lifestyle of Maintenance

Dive into a discussion around mental health with Sarah Caleb. In this conversation, we touch on the stigmas surrounding mental heath and therapy, beliefs we hold onto that limit our potential, and how we need to change the way we look at our mental health and wellbeing from a trauma response to a lifestyle of maintenance.

Mental Health Sunday

Know that it’s okay to not be okay. Be equipped with biblical tools that build resilience, break down stigma and strengthen hope.

The Mind and Soul Foundation

God loves us AND cares about our emotional and mental health. They provide high-quality, integrated resources and bring a powerful message that BOTH are important.

The Mental Health Access Pack

A reliable, Christian-based resource that presents the facts on key mental health issues.

Emotional and Mental Health Resources

North Point Community Church provides emotional and mental health resources organized by specific topics.

The Care Ministry Podcast

Great podcast resource for leaders to learn strategies and resources that will equip your team to care for your community.

Sanctuary Mental Health

They provide great small group resources and podcast that meaningfully engage the topics of faith and mental health. Sanctuary resources prepare communities of faith around the world to raise awareness, reduce stigma, support mental health, and promote mental wellbeing.




Our prayer and pastoral care team offers one-on-one time to walk through inner healing and deliverance from emotional wounds and spiritual affliction. This can be a great aid alongside counseling, recovery and other support systems. We invite you to review this application, and see if this might be a good next step for you on your journey.


The Pastor Prayer Line is created to give individuals who are part of our church community a convenient way to connect and pray with a pastor. Email and you will be connected with pastor shortly!

In need of additional support?

Our team is here to help provide any additional support you need on your healing, recovery, or mental health journeys. Please fill out the form below and a member from our team will be in touch.